Monday, 4 February 2013

Grrr weight gain...

Mum is really angry wih herself. Last April 2012 we went to the vet for my yearly check up and I weighed 132 grams, the vet said I needed to lose at least 10 grams as she could not even feel my liver to check if it was alright and if possible go down to about 116 grams which she said was healthy for a Quaker that would mean a total loss of 16 grams... well mum got me down to 117 grams by November she was so proud of herself and of me off course, but gradually over winter I have been gaining a little weight here and there... then today she weighed me and I was up to 126 grams, she is kicking herself she is so upset with herself for letting me gain weight again. now she has me on a diet again. OH JOY.... we need to get me back down to 117 grams by April for the next visit to the vet. Ahhhhhhhhhhhrgggg

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