I am perfect or so my mum tells me and if she says it then it must be true see for yourself at http://belindaspage.co.uk/luigi.html PS sign my guestbook
Monday, 17 December 2012
Mum is a little angry with herself
Well as you know I have been on my diet as per the vets instructions, so I went from 132grams in april, and I finally lost 16 grams and got down to 117 grams, mum was over the moon happy as larry... until today when she looked at the scales and I have gone up to 123 grams, she is beating herself up about it, she knows it is her fault for feeding me too much, so she is a little angry with herself today, so back on the diet for me I think. this is going to be hard as Xmas is coming up and she is going to be home with me for 12 days solid. ooooohhhhh this is going to be hard. IT MUST BE DONE....
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Fantastic Long week-end
Well mum had Monday and Tuesday off work and was home most of the time apart from Monday lunch which she went out with a friend. We had a fantastic time, I have been so cuddly lately and snuggled a lot with mum over the past few days, she gave me lots of kisses and we had a wonderful time. I can't wait until her next 2 days off near the end of the month, it will be another cuddly week-end I am sure (((0)))
Friday, 19 October 2012
MUM found the movie 'The real Macaw'
Yippi mum finally tracked down a copy of the movie the real macaw, it had to come all the way from Poland, but it's in English and region 2 for Europe. woo hoo, we will watch it this weekend with popcorn and juju (thats juice for non parrot talkers) I can't wait (and nor can mum)

or the box that came for mum has the Polish cover so it looks like this
Monday, 15 October 2012
Friday, 12 October 2012
I have finally done it and I have gone one step further, In April I was told by the vet I was had to lose 10 grams from a chunky 132g down to medium size 122g, well I have struggled, but today I am proud to say after my morning weigh in today I am now past the 10 grams and down to 119 grams, that is a massive loss of 13 grams. I am soooooo chuffed and mum is super happy with me. I know the vet wants me to be a perfect weight for my Quaker size of a slim 110 grams -116 grams, but 119 grams is so good for me right now, I have not been 119 grams for at least the past 3 years. SOOO PROUD OF MYSELF (OK it has taken6 months, but better losing it slowly and keeping it off than losing it fast and putting it back on again....) :)
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Oh dear I have just realised that I have not been on my blog for a month, I blame mum, she is soooo busy she has not had time to turn on the computer to let me type anything on my blog.
So what has happened in the past month... well let’s see, mum has tried some baby food with me and I just luuuuuuurve it, carrots and potato. even mum says it smells nice.
Winter is starting to set in and it is starting to get a little cold here, so mum has got the blanket out to cover her knees and I love sitting on and snuggling up to this blanket. The nights are getting darker so much earlier now and I don't like it.
OH YES, MY GOOD NEWS... I AM AT MY GOAL WEIGHT... WOOHOO, mum is going to try and get me to lose another 5 grams, but she is so proud of me for losing the 10 grams I was supposed to lose... it only took me 5 months... lol I hope I don't go and put it all back on again.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
A bit of a mood
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the perch this morning... Mum says I am being a little poo trying to bite her and growling and huffing and puffing..... she has now gone to work and hopes to come back at lunch to a nicer bird.....
Friday, 24 August 2012
Water spillage...wooops, or not
This morning I had a bit of a giggle, you see I like to get the water that mum puts in a little tub on the lounge table for me and when she is not looking gently tip it over and watch the water trickle ever so gently along her nice pine table an onto the lovely thick rug she has under the table, it is even more fun to watch mum come running through from the kitchen at the speed of light waving a tea towel in her hands wailing like a banshee to come and mop it up, this gives me a lot of amusement.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
I'm being a poo pants today
Mum says I woke up on the wrong side of the perch this morning, I have bitten her thumb really hard. I mean so hard that it is still bleeding through the plaster 30 minutes later... ooops not a happy mum.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Building my Holiday Home
Well I have decided it is time I kept up with the Jones's and build myself a holiday home, my cage in the lounge is my main home and I have decided my holiday home will be around the microwave, I have already started building... what do you think so far
Monday, 6 August 2012
scales playing up again
OK so maybe I shouldn't have had any KFC with mum on Friday. my weight has gone up again. grrr, I need to lose it, come on mum get serious about this weight loss thing, no more junk food in the house, if you feel th eneed to pig out then do it with apples.
Friday, 3 August 2012
KFC tonight... yummy
Being Friday mum decided she will get Kentuky Fried Chicken for dinner tonight, I WILL BE FIGHTING HER FOR SOME OF IT. Now some of you may think I am acting like a bit of a canable seeing as chicken is actually a bird... Well I have one thing to say people and listen very carefully to this
I DONT CARE, I WANT KFC, it tastes sooooo good, I am watering at the mouth already... yummy
Hurry on home mum
I DONT CARE, I WANT KFC, it tastes sooooo good, I am watering at the mouth already... yummy
Hurry on home mum
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Another one I need to watch...'Winged Migration'
Winged Migration
This documentary follows several species of migratory birds over a four year filming period. These birds travel several hundreds if not thousands of miles toward the equator in the autumn, and make the return journey to their higher latitude summer homes in the spring, always taking the same route, using the natural compasses of the universe, the stars, to find their way. Some species, like the arctic tern, even fly from pole to pole. These long and often torturous treks are a matter of survival, to live in a hospitable climate and find sources of food. With the exception of migratory penguins, travel over oceans is especially difficult as the birds have little refuge unless there is something floating on the water, such as a ship, on which to land. Otherwise they must continue flying until they reach land. Some will not survive the migration due to predators, including man, illness or injury...Written by Huggo
This documentary follows several species of migratory birds over a four year filming period. These birds travel several hundreds if not thousands of miles toward the equator in the autumn, and make the return journey to their higher latitude summer homes in the spring, always taking the same route, using the natural compasses of the universe, the stars, to find their way. Some species, like the arctic tern, even fly from pole to pole. These long and often torturous treks are a matter of survival, to live in a hospitable climate and find sources of food. With the exception of migratory penguins, travel over oceans is especially difficult as the birds have little refuge unless there is something floating on the water, such as a ship, on which to land. Otherwise they must continue flying until they reach land. Some will not survive the migration due to predators, including man, illness or injury...Written by Huggo
Fantastic Documentary.. 'March of the Penguins'
March of the Penguins
A look at the annual journey of Emperor penguins as they march -- single file -- to their traditional breeding ground.
A look at the annual journey of Emperor penguins as they march -- single file -- to their traditional breeding ground.
I need to find this movie.. 'The Real Macaw'
I need to find this move, I must watch it at somepoint (SOOOOON)
The Real Macaw Movie
An ancient talking macaw named Mac becomes the saving grace for an elderly man threatened with a nursing home, when it is discovered that the talking bird knows the whereabouts of a buried treasure from its days with a pirate. His grandson decides to go off on the hunt only to discover that a resort now exists where the treasure is buried.
The Real Macaw Movie
An ancient talking macaw named Mac becomes the saving grace for an elderly man threatened with a nursing home, when it is discovered that the talking bird knows the whereabouts of a buried treasure from its days with a pirate. His grandson decides to go off on the hunt only to discover that a resort now exists where the treasure is buried.
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill..another all time favorite movie
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
This is another one of my all time favorite movies (documentary) I love this story, mum and I watch it on DVD occasionally and I get to squaking along with the parrots on the TV... good fun
This is another one of my all time favorite movies (documentary) I love this story, mum and I watch it on DVD occasionally and I get to squaking along with the parrots on the TV... good fun
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
'Paulie' One of my Favorite Movies of All time
This movie will make you feel almost every emotion, sympathy, sadness, laughter, anticipation and so much more. I loved it. I don't have children (however I do have a parrot, so maybe you can say I do have a child, and he enjoyed watching it with me) I love this movie, it is one of my all time favorites... so get the popcorn popped and the coke in a glass, and don't forget to get the tissues ready for those happy tears. If it is a feel good movie you want the Paulie is for you
My new spot
This weekend gone I found a new snuggle place in the corner in the kitchen, God help anyone who comes near it as I will beaker the snot out of them.. mum has now tried to stop me going there by placing a barrier in front of the open bit. grrrr I liked my new spot near the kettle nad amongst the spider plant that I was ripping to shreds. mum says she feels sorry for the spider plant. I say beaker the spider plant...
Mums back at work
Mum was not too well on Monday and yesterday, she went to work on Monday and came home early, she had a bad tummy and got no sleep on Monday night, so did not go into work yesterday, I liked having her at home, but today she has gone back to work and I am missing her already. I can't wait to see her at lunch time.
The weekend was good tho, on Sunday mum got me a nice 5ft tall potted bamboo for my outside aviary. I hope it lives and doesn't die off, I like it, I started munching on it and chucking the bits about my aviary within 2 minutes of seeing it, thanks mum.
The weekend was good tho, on Sunday mum got me a nice 5ft tall potted bamboo for my outside aviary. I hope it lives and doesn't die off, I like it, I started munching on it and chucking the bits about my aviary within 2 minutes of seeing it, thanks mum.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Mum to myself
Woohoo the weekend is nearly here, I will have mum all to myself for 2 whole days. hopefully it will be sunny and we can sit outside in the garden and I can go in my aviary.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Damn Weight Gain
Darn it, I have put back 7 grams of the 10 I had lost.... gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mum is a little angry with herself at this point. she needs to put me back on my diet and stick to it, even if this means I bite her, it has to be done for my own good and for the sake of my health. good luck mum
Monday, 23 July 2012
Summers finally here
Mum and I spent all of Sunday out in the garden in the aviary, Finally I get to use it agian. I had such a good time watching all the other birdies outside and the fresh air was amazing, mum says it makes me smell so nice and birdie like. hmmm mad woman.
Friday, 20 July 2012
10 lost and 5 back on grrrrrr
I can't believe it, I lost all the 10 grams I was supposed to lose and today mum weighed me and I have put on 5 grams... where the poopies did they come from??? OK mum figures that when I was on the diet I was attacking and biting her because she stopped doing a lot of training with me as the training was done with food bits as training treats, which is why I put on weight. but over the past 4 days sinse losing the 10 grams mum has started training me again and that is why I have put on the 5 grams. She is in a dilemma (or as I call it a DIMELLA) to lose weight means no training cos the treats are making me gain weight, but that means I get bored and attack mum and mums face and hands get ripped apart????, OR train me and give me the training treats and have her face and hands intact, but that means I gain weight???? grrrrr OH WHAT TO DO????
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Finally I'm Eating Harrisons pellets
OK So mum has been trying
to get me to eat Harrisons pellets now for ages, she has tried the fine ones
because I am so small, she has tried the coarse ones cut up for me and she has
tried a mix of both added to my regular food, BUT I AM HAVING NONE OF IT….UNTIL
two days ago, mum read that ginger spice, cinnamon spice and cayenne spice, are all good spices for birdies and she
has all three in the cupboard, so she got a bright idea….
3 - add enough water to make a runny but not too runny paste once the Harrisons have been crushed
4 – using a spoon feed it to me….
1 - get 2-3 blocks of
Harrisons coarse and put in little bowl
2 - add a little of all 3
spices mentioned above3 - add enough water to make a runny but not too runny paste once the Harrisons have been crushed
4 – using a spoon feed it to me….
Result YUMMY, I love it and
I am now eating Harrisons pellets, good for me and apparently these spices do
good things for my tummy and body… check it out here
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Mum all to myself
Oh what a fab few days, I had mum all to myself for 4 full days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday because she was on holiday, I didn’t bite her face once either, actually I didn’t bite any other part of her either, she has worked out how to get me to not bite her face, and this is how she did it..... Mum files my beak with a little file which has a black handle, I do not like it very much for obvious reasons, so mum has worked out that if she walks around holding the file by the handle between her teeth I do not go anywhere near her face (mum looks silly, but only needs to do this when I am going to be near her for long periods of time, otherwise she just has it on the chair next to her or on her lap or in her hand). She will carry on doing this until I calm down and settle back into my normal ways. Clever mum
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Being Loving
I have been a good boy for mum over the past 2 days, I have not bitten her or attacked anything. the air has been nice and cool tho, the sun is out today and it is warm so I wonder if I will be biting cos I am misesrable with the heat. I much prefer the winter... that is when I become more cuddly.
Monday, 9 July 2012
Sick Mummy
Mum was awfully ill yesterday, she had the same thing as last year when she wound up in hospital for 5 nights because they couldnt figure out what the problem was. This time mum called the out of hours Doctor and he figured it out immediatley Mum has viral labyrinthitis vertigo and she will not have to go into hospital this time (shew, I didnt like being without mum for 5 days and nights last year). And the nice Doctor gave her something to make the room stop spinning and hold the world still, mum has stopped falling over now and is lying on the couch with me, and I am being very nice and cuddly on her hand... poor mum, I will have to wiat until she is better to bit her again.... ;)
info on mums problem
info on mums problem
Friday, 6 July 2012
Im in a biting mood lately
Poor mum is being eaten alive, I can't seem to snap out of this misserable mood that I am in, I think maybe it is due to this strange weather, I hope I get over it soon, mums face and hands are being attacked... this is just not like me at all. also the scales were odd today, how on earth could i have put on 3 grams in one day, I barely ate yesterday. Mum must not get pizza tonight, I can not afford to gain more weight, I had just reached my goal and now I am up 3 grams... ggggrrrrr
Thursday, 5 July 2012
WOOHOO!!! I have finally lost all 10 grams the vet wanted me to lose, I finally weighed in at 122 grams this morning, down from 132 grams. I also find myself flying around a lot more than I used to, and I am running around on top of my cage more. Mum says she is very proud of me, it took 2 months but we did it properly and slowly, no crash diets here... OK so now I have reached my goal of 122 grams, Mum would like me to go down to 116 grams if possible and stay around there, she says I was at my best before when I was that weight, not too skinny and not too chunky... that is another 6 grams to lose. We will take it slow and hopefully we will get there within the next couple of months. I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Are the Scales having a laugh????
Darn up 3 grams today... how does this happen? I was so
happy being down 9 grams, now it only means that I am down 6 grams. ggggrrrrrr I must lose this horrid weight... mum stop giving me your yummy food at night.....
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
good scales
Well mum weighed me today and the scales are saying good things, I am now down in total from when I started 9 whole grams... woohoo. 1 gram to go to reach my set goal. then we will aim for another 6. Mum is very proud of me.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Moms long weekend with me
OK so mum had last Friday and this Monday off work, so Last friday we decide to go for a drive and when we got back mum had this amazing parrot stand on castors just for me, it was great and then she started adding things to it like my climbing net and some of my toys, now I love it even more, thanks mum I love you
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Weight gain
OK so last night i was on a virtual Facebook Adoption day party gathering for Chester P Featherbutt, so mum bought Pizza and Lemonade to celebrate and off course I had to have the Pizza Bones, the scales did not like that I had these pizza bones and have taken my up 2 grams. now i have 4 grams to lose and it is proving to be very hard to lose them. Mum says she is getting me a fancy play stand tomorrow, maybe I canget some exercise on that and lose weight that way.....
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Static Stuff
Ok so mum laughed really hard at me, you see in the picture where I'm pulling the plastic off the bottle , Well if you look close you will see a piece stuck to my leg and across my belly, apparently mum says this is caused by static... I don't like static, it really clung to me, mum laughed so hard watching me running in circles trying to get it off and every time I try pull it off it bounced back on...to me which made mum laugh even harder, I then copy mum by laughing (this will make her think I am doing this for her enjoyment but actually I am pooping myself) while running in circles trying to get this off me which had mum now in tears of laughter, finally I got it off, chewed it and spat it out, take that you horrid static stuff.... I think mum was mean laughing at me
big bad bite
I bit mum bad on the chin yesterday, it was a big bad bite, really blead a lot, I was in a bit of a mood all day, she put me in my cage for a couple of hours to think about what I had done. When she let me out I was still in a weird mood. Maybe I had a headache or something.....
weight down
I am having a bit of an up and down session with the scales, I am now down again by 2 grams, only 3 grams left to get to my goal set by the vet... very hard getting there. then another 4-6 to get to my ideal weight for my breed of bird. I love food and dont want to be on a diet... grrrr
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
the scales are having a gravitational pull again
Darn I am up again by 3 grams in the past week. grrrrrrr, I have lost 6 grams and only have another 6 to go... why oh why is this so darned difficult?... perhaps if mum didn't feed me all those yummies..... ;)
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Long weekend Scale check
Well mum weighed me this morning, and she was pleasantly surprised, I had not lost any grams, but I had not put any on either and that is quite good seeing as it was a long weekend (4 full days off) and mum had some yummy food in the house. She really thought I was going to weigh a lot, but she is happy, so I am happy. Now I just have to try and lose 3 grams so the vet will be happy. then the final 6 grams to go until I am at my ideal weight. I will get there..
Friday, 1 June 2012
garvity pull on the scales
darn, I have gone up in weight and not down... it is mums fault, she ate good stuff last night and I put on my very cutest begging face and did a fantastic begging dance..... mum said she will eat at work today where I can't see her and then she will have nothing for dinner, (maybe an apple to share with me) hopefully I will be able to lose a little weight that way.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Strange Scale
It would seem the scales are doing strange things again today, they say I have gained a gram.... grrrrr . It is because mum had her monthly shopping delivered last night and we went a little food mad... I must lose it tonight.
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
I'm loving the scales today!!
WooHoo another 2 grams down, that makes 8 out of 10 grams, I am so near my goal. however I thought I heard mum say once I got the 10 grams off she was thinking I really should lose another 4-6 grams to be at an ideal weight for a quaker.... aaaaaahhhhhhhh no not more grammage loss........
Monday, 28 May 2012
OH WOW what a great weekend
Wow what a fantastic weekend, mum pottered about in the garden and I spent all day Saturday and Sunday out in my Aviary... fresh wram lovely air. I hope next weekend (the long weekend) is like this. Mum had BBQ andI had some of the chicken.... hmmm chicken. The garden is looking amazing.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Steady Grams
Well my weight is the same today, but at least I didn't put anything on.... Got out in the aviary for 1 hour last night while mum lay in hammock and made chicken on the BBQ and shared it with me. I love my mum
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Phew the scales are behaving again
Well I am back to the loss of 6 grams, I think the acales were playing a horrid trick on me yesterday. now I just need to lose grammage and not put it back on. :)
Monday, 21 May 2012
Are the scales mad????
Darn up 2 grams today... how does this happen? I was so happy being down 6 grams, now it only means that i am down 4 grams. ggggrrrrrr
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Birthday Joy
Well I had a great birthday, mum and I had a really chilled out day, what a fantastic birthday. Mum said I've been a good boy and she loves me very much. I am now a responsible 4 year old boy. I am the bird man of the house...
Lost grams
I am sooooo chuffed mum weighed me this morning and I am in total 6 grams lighter... Yay yay yay only 4-6 grams to go, then a little break and then I will try lose another 2-4 then I am at the best weight for me
Friday, 18 May 2012
All cuddly & loving
I have been a very cuddly boy tonight, snuggling up to mum, and not once trying to munch her fingers for dinner... I have given her loads of loving and snuggles, and she has given me tummy and neck tickles, What a really fantastic and pleasant evening
Piggy didn't matter
Being a bit of a piggy last night I thought I was going to be up a gram today, when mum weighed me I was down another gram WOOHOO celebration time, mum has to call vet tomorrow to give her results of diet, I was supposed to lose 12grams (hopefully 10) and I have lost 4 (hopefully 5 by tomorrow) that is not too bad for one months work, maybe one more month I will have lost the hopeful 10grams if not the full 12 grams... I am well chuffed
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Piggy tonight
I think mum will be sad when she weighs me in the morning, I have been at my food bowl like there is no tomorrow.... I am sure I will have gained weight tonight. I will just have to close my eyes and pretend I don't see the numbers.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
lost grammage
Well one week until we have to call the vet about my weight and I have finally lost 3 grams... only 7 to go. woohoo celebrations
Monday, 7 May 2012
Weight update
Well 2 weeks since going to the vet and I weigh exactly the same, why why why can't I shift the weight. Grrrr my vet is not going to be happy..
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Tissue relief
Mum fell asleep on the couch and left the tissue box next to her. When she woke up she found me standing in her knees with this around me... It made her giggle
Painted aviary
Mum spent 3 hours doing the new years paint job on my aviary, it looks fab, thanks mum. And bird friendly paint too.. Fantastic weather protected for another year
Friday, 4 May 2012
Thursday, 3 May 2012
My wight issue
Well it has been 2 weeks an I have not lost a single gram... The vet is not gng to be a happy lady
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Weight loss
Well one week on and mum is angry with herself, I have not lost any weight, actually I have gained a gram. Oh poor mum does not know what to do.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Weight Loss
OK so on Saturday Mum took me to the vet and the vet said I had to lose 12 grams (I weighed 132 grams) well it is now Thursday (5 days on) and I have only lost 1 gram. mum has to phone the vet in 4 weeks time and she wants to see improvement.... oh dear this is not going well.
I got very grumpy not getting my treats so I bit mum, I didn't mean to, I was just grumpy and hungry
Sorry Mum
I got very grumpy not getting my treats so I bit mum, I didn't mean to, I was just grumpy and hungry
Sorry Mum
Monday, 16 April 2012
Great weekend
Well mum and I had a great weekend, Brenda and Pete (mums old next door neighbours from the house we live din before this one popped by on Sunday) and we had a good laugh. I did a lot of building.... I dont like Mondays tho cos mum goes back to work, hurry up and come home for lunch mum, I want to get out of my cage and play with you.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Easter break with mum
Well mum and I had a fab Easter break at home, Barbara and Pete came to visit, and the rest of the time we just totally chilled, I had mum all to myself. On Tuesday and Wednesday the builders came to replace the doors for nice panelled white ones and they also replaced the shower door for a clean brand new zig zag one, and they also put up a nice light outside so it wont be so scary for mum to go outside at night now..... also the water heats up properly now... ahhhh ad all the time I just built built built, I was totally loving to mum, I could not have been a better behaved boy. BIG STAR FOR ME...
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Want mum home
Boo Mum has had to go to work, mean mean work, I want mum here with me.... well easter weekend is here from tomorrow and mum has 2 extra days off work, so 6 full days of mum at home spoiling me. woo hoo... see you at lunch mum
Monday, 2 April 2012
Toe munching
Mum and I had some dinner and then I sat with her, I like it when she blows and kisses under my foot. Very relaxing
Mums home.. Woohoo
Mum and I had a good night, I nodded off on her hand leaning against her face... Her breath against my wings was warm and made me all cosy, I slept for 45mins.
Lunch time
Mum came home for lunch... woohoo I missed her, she gave me my peas and corn, and I decided that I wanted to make a nest in the cupboard on top of mums dinner plates... then mum had to go back to work until 5pm :( but I will see her soon for dinner... :)
Season change
I hate this change of season… My pin feathers annoy me, I screech a lot and I feel all restless. I have been building like there is no tomorrow, then mum pulls them a bunch of them out at bed time, which means I have to rebuild the next day. I can’t wait for full summer to set in
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