So Mum has just had 5 days off and she worked like a Trojan,
On Saturday she had her tooth implant done (well the first half, and believe it or not no pain) Then she cleaned the house fully...
On Sunday she cleaned up the shed (where a little mouse had decided to spend winter and pooped everywhere) I have never heard mum gag like that before, but she got it all done.
On Monday (Bank Holiday)She then decided to fix up the bird feeding area and I think she did a fantastic job. Now I can sit in my aviary and watch the other birdies in the garden. GO MUM... ;)
which left her Tuesday and Wednesday (holidays she booked off work) to sit in the garden and enjoy it all.... AND GUESS WHAT IT DID?????? YES IT TURNED ALL COLD AND MISERABLE ON THOSE 2 DAYS... poor mum