Saturday, 9 November 2013

Beautiful butterfly...

So early this morning mum found this beautiful butterfly outside the from door, it is so cold outside she is surprised it is still alive. If you listen closely you can hear its wings opening and closing

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Little John's Grave (with Ghostly figure)

So mum was cleaning out her photo box last night, and she found this photo she took a long time before digital, this is scanned in so it is not a perfect copy of the photo. HERE IS THE STORY BEHIND IT...
My sister-in-law and brother were ge...tting married at the Church of Hathersage on 31/05/1997, this is where Little John's Grave is said to be. (you know... Little John from Robin Hood...) So anyway my parents and I were walking around taking photos the day before their wedding. We found little John's Grave and I took about 3 or 4 pictures of it. Although not visible to me when taking the photos, when I got my photos back 2 weeks later (before the digital age...35mm) one of the photos I took of Little Johns grave has a large 'ghostly' shape with a smaller one next to it. I looked at the negative and sure as anything there it was on the negative. I tried to think of anything else it could be but there was no sun glare that could have caused this, no-one was smoking for smoke to have drifted across the lens, I thought maybe it was the 1st picture on the roll as sometimes the negative has a problem on first photos, but it was not, it was the second picture I took, and neither of the negative frames either side of this one seem to have a problem with them. I was baffled. I still have no explanation for this but will always hold onto this photo and it's negative. I have never had proof of any ghostly beings, however this has always made me wonder. and before anyone says I have photoshoped it, I PROMISE THERE IS NO PHOTOSHOPPING, I HAVE THE NEGATIVE but cant scan that in.See more

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Homemade Sprinkler

Wow this is a really good idea, I could see this being set up around a border as a cheap sprinkler system. I will be making this for my garden one day when I can afford to buy a house...
HomeSpunThreads: Day 25: Homemade Sprinkler with She Wears Flowers:

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Mum Loves Pinterest

So anyway, mum has decided she now loves Pinterest, she saves all the wonderful images nd recipes and good ideas here for use later on... great idea
See Mums Pinterest boards here

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Mum says I have a disease called Hornylitis

Apparently last week Tuesday I scared the life out of my mum, she came home and found me all listless and my wings had drooped and my tail had dropped, I was lethargic and I didn’t even have the energy to eat my lunch properly (don't get me wrong, I still ate it (I am not stupid, just lethargic), I just didn’t eat it as fast and enthusiastically as I normally would) she also noticed I had thrown up in my food bowl.

So she panicked and rushed me to the vet (£56 later) (thank goodness for pet insurance) and 3 hours spent at the vet we headed home. The Vet did a horrid crop wash on me, yuk yuk yuk, and cultures, but all seemed clear, the vet was baffled and said to mum to keep an eye on me over the next few days, if things deteriorated to bring me back for blood tests (which can be stressful so she would only do this if I did not improve)

Anyhow the next day I was a little better but not much, however by the weekend I had perked up and was trying to mate with anything in sight, when I flew to mums shoulder I had a good go at her ear... I just like to watch mum squirm and listen to her say 'eeeeeewwwwwww get off my ear'. My little fluffy toy Pony has had a right going at…… poor little thing. So mum has come to the conclusion; now that I seem all better and bouncy again, that I was suffering from what she calls HORNYLITIS, and she blames it on the weather.
Poor woman nearly had a heart attack worrying about me..
Love ya mum


Friday, 17 May 2013

My Painting is Done

So as most of you know mum recently finished an A4 size cross stitch of me... Well she decided that she wanted to do a 4 picture(different mediums) in a frame of the same picture, so she has just finished doing a painting of that same picture. So in the frame will be a computer print, a cross stitch, a pencil drawing and an acrylic on canvas painting, I can't wait until it is all framed and on a wall. I don't think she did a bad job seeing as she hasn't painted in 25 years

Below, Acrylic painting

Below, top left= acrylic painting, top right=cross stitch, 
bottom left= pencil sketch and bottom right=computer print out

Thursday, 9 May 2013

I can't stop bragging about mums Orchids

So the yellow Orchid was last mentioned when it has 11 flowers on it and mum was jumping for joy back then, she thought some may die off, but OH NO, they are going strong, she is now up to 19 beautiful yellow flowers. WOW, this was a dying plant when she got it, and the pink one was also dying, and this one has come back to life and is now sitting pretty with 10 beautiful flowers. Mum is chuffed to bits.

5 Days Off and loads done

So Mum has just had 5 days off and she worked like a Trojan,
On Saturday she had her tooth implant done (well the first half, and believe it or not no pain) Then she cleaned the house fully...
On Sunday she cleaned up the shed (where a little mouse had decided to spend winter and pooped everywhere) I have never heard mum gag like that before, but she got it all done.
On Monday (Bank Holiday)She then decided to fix up the bird feeding area and I think she did a fantastic job. Now I can sit in my aviary and watch the other birdies in the garden. GO MUM... ;)
which left her Tuesday and Wednesday (holidays she booked off work) to sit in the garden and enjoy it all.... AND GUESS WHAT IT DID?????? YES IT TURNED ALL COLD AND MISERABLE ON THOSE 2 DAYS... poor mum

Thursday, 18 April 2013


So mum decided she wanted popcorn for her lunch, I waited patiently and when she turned her back and walked out of the kitchen for one minute, I was in there like a bat out of hell.... this is how she found me when she came back

7 was great but 11 is Better

Well mum thought she was fantastic getting the poor dying plant back to life, then when it got 5 flowers she thought she was Ms Green fingers, the when it got 7 flowers she nearly wet herself with glee, well you can only imagine her joy this morning when she woke p to find 11... yes 11 beautiful yellow flowers on her rescued Orchid

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Photos of my BUTT.... Really mum???

So mum has been chasing me around with a camera, I have had enough, so I thought I would give her a picture to remember

MUM STOP IT I want to eat my food in peace....

MWAHAHAHAHAHA How was that for a good Photo ;)


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Mum is so glad Ellen finally got the cross stitch

Mum is so glad Ellen finally got the cross stitch she made for her of Mickey. Mum is not a pro at cross stitch, in fact it is only the second one she has ever done, so she really hopes Ellen likes it. While doing the cross stitch it made mum think of some of the tales Ellen told of Mickeys little adventures and struggles  before she went to Rainbow Bridge, and she realises now just how much she understands Ellen's loss.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Mum must be bored

Mum must be bored, she is having fun on the computer doing silly things with my photos...

Saturday, 30 March 2013

How many Flowers???

Well mum can't believe her eyes...this little orchid she saved from dying in the shop has now got 7... yes I will say that again 7 flowers on it, and it looks like it may pop open a few more... Beautiful

Carrot Thievery

So yesterday mum decided to make carrot and coriander soup, a nice big pot to freeze portions. I was a sneaky little sod and got away with one of mums carrot pieces, she chased me to get it lol I won though I got the carrot and it tasted gooooood...

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

This is for all you parrot people out there

Mum has something for all you parrot people out there to try... Origami Parrot, it is dead easy to make. Have fun


Mum says I look like I am doing the chicken dance in this photo.... How dare she???? I may just have to beaker her for that

Monday, 25 March 2013

Mum Says I am a perfectionist

OK so mum says I am too much of a perfectionist when I am building with my sticks. I just won’t rest until I have that stick exactly where I want it. What is wrong with that prey tell?????.

Crazy Little Pleco

Mum has a little Pleco in her Tropical fish tank, this Pleco is officially nuts, it sucks its way along the glass with the speed of a bullet. wooooosh. crazy little thing

SNOW!!! Where did that come from?

It was as clear as a bell on Friday evening, then Saturday mum and I woke up to a bit if snow, it snowed all day in little flurries, then stopped by the time we went to bed. We then woke up Sunday morning to find this on the ground outside.... I think the snow fairy came and scattered snow down while mum and I was sleeping.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Mum saved the plants

So a few months ago mum went to her local Homebase Store and went to the sick plant section (you know the area all the sad looking, half price, dying or poorly plants are) and she saw these 2 orchids. They were only a couple £’s each, so she grabbed them and took them home and replanted them, they flowered once and she thought that might be it, they died back over the winter, but lately they have been going mad, they are flowering beautifully. Well done mum (she is feeling kind of proud of herself)


Friday, 15 March 2013

Weather Change... So True

Mum saw this post on Facebook by Lucià Dorissà Fabelà and she showed it to me and said... 'Luigi, do you see that woman in the picture? well that's me' I think she is over exaggerating a little, all I do during the weather changes is one minute rip a piece of skin off her chin, and then an hour later try and make out with her ear while standing on her shoulder. What's wrong with that I ask you??? ;)

Monday, 11 March 2013

Mum and I saw this movie 'A Bird of the Air' by Margaret Whitton

Mum and I saw this movie yesterday, thanks to a lovely lady who sent it to me. You know who you are EU... It was so sweet, a sort of child like pure movie with such a sweet little tale to it, I am so glad I (& mum) watched it. It is no action adventure, but it is just right for a lazy Sunday afternoon chill out day

A Bird of the Air by Margaret Whitton

Monday, 4 March 2013

Edible Parrot... I DON'T THINK SO...

Well mum took this photo of me and now she is wondering if I would taste like chicken??? She says apparently everything is supposed to taste like chicken... hmmm Personally I don't think I want to find out thank you very much... ;)

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Knitted me has arrived..yah

So the other day mum ordered a knitted version of me and it has arrived, mum loves it, I am a little wary still as you can see in the picture, who is this new me? But as the day goes on I am getting used to it. She got it from this lovely lady who has this fab web page
So I would like to introduce you to Luigi number 2.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Mum Wants to see this movie

Mum is dying to see this movie, but to buy it on itunes is $19 and that is just a little tooooo much, $4.99 to rent on itunes, but she wants a dvd of it. oh well she will have to wait

A Bird of the Air by Margaret Whitton

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Mum is getting a knitted Luigi made.. woohoo

Well mum has found this page with a lovely lady who makes birds out of many fabrics and yarns and she is getting one of me OH YES A PERSONAL KNITTED LUIGI.... woohoo. she got it here if anyone else wants one

Thursday, 21 February 2013

OMG Mum is in Excrutiating pain

Well 2 days ago on Tuesday mum had one of her back teeth pulled out (she has lovely teath that she has always been proud of then a dentist messed one up about 5 years ago and it has given her nothing but problems ever sinse) so she went to the dentist who said it had a crack and needs removing, so on Tuesday she had to have it pulled after a  week of antibiotics for an infection that had set in. She has been in total pain ever sinse and has had no sleep. Poor mum

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

MUM makes things when she worries

When mum gets worried about life and what is going to happen to her she gets the urge to make things, (that is how my cross stitch got started) well this weekend not only did she 98% finish my cross stitch, she was so worried about stuff she decided to organise her jewellery and made herself a jewellery holder for her wall. Pity she doesn’t have enough money for bricks and mortar, she could have built a house by now.... lol :)
She started with a plain old picture frame she had lying around, then found some wooden and brass knobs, some brass hooks and some decorative leaf veins and buttons. I think it is pretty good seeing as it cost nothing.

CROSS STITCH... 98% finished, only 2% to go

Well… mum has done me proud on her cross stitch of me, she has totally finished the cross stitching part of it, all she has to do is the black outlines (she needs to practice this before she does it as it is the first time she has ever done this.) and then frame it with a nice scrapbook style boarder…she can see it all in her head :). The next time you see a post for this cross stitch will be when she has completely finished it.
The 30 cm ruler should give you an idea of the size of it


Thursday, 14 February 2013

Mum is pink mad at work

Not sure how many of you know this; but although mum does not like pink in her home, she loves the colour pink, especially at work, it cheers her up and makes the day a little happier... It is the sparkly pink diamante mouse that cheers her up the most... ;)