I am perfect or so my mum tells me and if she says it then it must be true see for yourself at http://belindaspage.co.uk/luigi.html PS sign my guestbook
Friday, 19 October 2012
MUM found the movie 'The real Macaw'
Yippi mum finally tracked down a copy of the movie the real macaw, it had to come all the way from Poland, but it's in English and region 2 for Europe. woo hoo, we will watch it this weekend with popcorn and juju (thats juice for non parrot talkers) I can't wait (and nor can mum)

or the box that came for mum has the Polish cover so it looks like this
Monday, 15 October 2012
Friday, 12 October 2012
I have finally done it and I have gone one step further, In April I was told by the vet I was had to lose 10 grams from a chunky 132g down to medium size 122g, well I have struggled, but today I am proud to say after my morning weigh in today I am now past the 10 grams and down to 119 grams, that is a massive loss of 13 grams. I am soooooo chuffed and mum is super happy with me. I know the vet wants me to be a perfect weight for my Quaker size of a slim 110 grams -116 grams, but 119 grams is so good for me right now, I have not been 119 grams for at least the past 3 years. SOOO PROUD OF MYSELF (OK it has taken6 months, but better losing it slowly and keeping it off than losing it fast and putting it back on again....) :)
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